L2 Client Dat Editor (C4-Master Class 418)



L2 Client Dat Editor – data editor for Lineage 2 files

L2 Client Dat Editor can edit .dat, .ini .txt and .htm files from Lineage 2 system folder. It supports many l2 chronicles from C4: Scions of Destiny until Master Class 418 protocol.

– Edit files in system folder(dat, ini, int)
– Auto decrypt encrypt dat files
– L2 Classic file editor up to 418 protocol.

How to use:
1. Extract L2ClientDat-Editor.zip
2. Run L2ClientDat.bat (Java and JDK17 are required!)
3. Choose the Structure (L2 Chronicle) you wish to work on.
4. Click Open and navigate to your system folder.
5. Choose the file you wish to modify.
6. After you finish your modification click Save (ENC).
7. Enjoy!

Credits: L2JMobius

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  1. NewQuestData.dat file


    l2 Assassin Protocols 418 version
    NewQuestData <<<< edit impossible
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